Participating in the Winter Swimming World Cup Morocco means respecting the official rules set by the International Winter Swimming Association (IWSA). These ensure a fair and safe competition for all swimmers. Below is a summary of the key rules:
Section 1 - Rules For All Races
1. Swimmers compete within age categories. See the age group categories in Section 7.
2. At the starting line, competitors will receive the following commands:
• “Take off your clothes” – 5 seconds to comply.
• “Get in the water” – 3 seconds to comply.
• “On your marks” – race begins.
3. Swimming underwater for more than 5 meters from the start or turn walls is prohibited and results in a 5-second penalty.
4. False starts are not called back:
• Blatant false starts result in disqualification.
• Minor false starts result in a 5-second penalty.
5. Tumble turns are forbidden. Swimmers must touch the end wall with at least one hand before turning.
6. To finish the race, swimmers must touch the wall with at least one hand.
7. No swimming under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
8. Only non-buoyant, non-thermal swimsuits are allowed. No wetsuits, neoprene socks, or gloves.
9. Swimmers must wear something on their head (e.g., a swim cap or woolen hat). Decorated hats are encouraged!
Section 2 - Rules For Breaststroke Races (50m & 100m)
1. 50m Head-Up Breaststroke:
• The crown of the head must not submerge except for the first stroke within 5m of the start or turns.
• Submerging the head results in a 5-second penalty.
2. 100m Breaststroke:
• Normal breaststroke is allowed throughout the race.
Section 3 - Rules For Freestyle Races (50m & 100m)
1. Freestyle means any stroke is allowed for individual races.
Section 4 - Rules For Ice-Butterfly (50m)
1. Swimmers must use the regular butterfly technique:
• The body must remain on the breast.
• Both hands must simultaneously move forward above the water.
• Leg movements must be simultaneous.
Section 5 - Rules For Freestyle Mixed Team Relay
1. The race is a 4x50m relay.
2. Teams must be mixed-gender with at least one man or woman.
3. Teams must consist of one captain and three swimmers.
4. Swimmers must agree on their start order before the race.
5. Each swimmer starts when their teammate touches the wall.
Section 6 - Rules For Endurance Swim
1. Freestyle is the only permitted stroke.
2. Swim duration is limited to 15 minutes.
3. Swimmers must present a Qualifier Form and have a registered assistant.
4. Mandatory medical checks are required on the day of the race.
5. The organizers may modify or cancel the event due to adverse weather conditions.
Section 7 - Age Groups
Swimmers are grouped by their age as of 31 December 2024:
• 18-19 years: A Series
• 20-29 years: B Series
• 30-39 years: C Series
• 40-49 years: D Series
• 50-59 years: E Series
• 60-69 years: F Series
• 70-79 years: G Series
• 80+ years: H Series